

University of Cape Town

UCT IT Management

I have completed the Online Short Course for IT Management from University of Cape Town.

Belgium Campus

Bachelors Degree in Computing (B.COMP)

I enrolled directly after school at Belgium Campus IT Varsity and completed the B.COMP Degree with a distinction level of Cum-Laude.

HTS Tuine


I was enrolled at Pretoria Technical High-school Tuine in Pretoria Gardens, Gauteng, and completed Matric.


2022 - Current

Architect, Senior Software Engineer


2021 - 2022
Open Box Software

Architect, Senior Software Developer


2015 - 2021

Architect, Mentor, Lead Senior Software Developer

I joined RTMSoft (a.k.a: The CodeRoom, Code house, LamaSoft) back in 2015 when it was just a startup company (I was the 2nd employee to join). We started off with projects from the Microsoft Bizpark program, and later secured our own clients within the company. RTMSoft has grown to have well over 10 employees, and is still growing every year.

At RTMSoft I was responsible for my own team and managing projects within the company.

My responsibilities did not however stop there.
Architecting solutions, Training, Documentation and Support are just some of the additional work I do at RTMSoft.

2014 - 2015

Software Developer

I joined WinFreight as the lead developer on their product called the Warehouse Management System (WMS) which was being developed using the latest Microsoft technologies.

I was brought on-board to help re-write their legacy system that was running on Visual Basic 6.

My role was to ensure that the project went smooth and that features was being developed and maintained.

The project had clients like: Takealot and Imperial logistics and a few others.

2013 - 2014

Junior Software Developer

I joined Business Connexion (BCX) as a Java Software developer where I worked on numerous projects ranging from Point of sales systems to Industrial management systems. BCX was my first company that I started with in the software development world, while also having some on and off projects on the side.

My responsibilities at BCX ranged from developing software; to client relations and team management.

I was also send to the Mercedes Benz team where I worked on-site at the Mercedes Benz HQ developing their marketing portal.



Project Leader & Team Leader/Mentor


Client relations & Team communications

Project Management

Leading and managing projects and teams


Achieving deadlines and milestones

Risk Management

Resolving issues and preparing strategies

Critical Thinking

Analyzing and solving problems

Tech Savvy

Evolving, learning and keeping up with technologies



Web Frameworks